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 Airfoils database
 Ribbed Wing panels
 Foam Wing panels
 Foam Wing panels for CNC cutting
 Molds of Wing panels
 Wizard for printing and exporting Wing Panels
 Wizard for CNC cutting of Wing Panels
 Usb key
 View and Print DXF files
 View and Print Raster files
 Plans and Drawings
 On-line airfoils
 Drawing ribs
 Drawing templates
 Polars generation
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Customer Support

Our policy for customer assistance and support

Different typologies of users have different customer support requirements.
A hobbyistic user can just play, look around the application, and, sometime, part of the fun is in approaching and learning a new application.
A professional user can loss money if he is blocked by a problem or an issue cannot be fixed as soon as possible, so it's critical for him to get an excellent support in a short time. 

We already offered a free customer support by email, and we'll continue to do that.
Now also a Forum is available, where you can ask for help for free, see Forum.
But, as for the case of a professional, sometime an user needs more.
Many professional users asked for a Premium Customer Support, so we now can offer it to all our customers needing more....

The usual free customer support will be still available by email, and tipical assistance cases can be:

  • Usb key problems
  • Moving the license to a different computer
  • Info request about upgrades
  • Simple 'How to.....' questions

The Premium Customer Support will add:

  • Email or Skype chat assistance, using English and Italian languages
  • Warranty to get a more detailed answer in a short time. Premium Customer Support have an higher priority over free support
  • File fixing
  • Complex 'How to...' questions
  • Priority bug fixing, where a patched release will be supplied when required, waiting for a new official release
  • Request for new features
  • Any other question about our applications or general Cad/Cam features

You can join our Premium Customer Support program buying 1, 2 or more hours of assistance. The assistance will cover all our applications,  included devCad, devFus, devWing, devFoam and so on. The assistance time you purchased doesn't expire, but you can just use it when you need.

See the below PayPal button to join our Premium Customer Support program:

  Premium Customer Support
1 hour 
85 euro 
2 hours 
150 euro 
5 hours 
300 euro 
10 hours 
500 euro 

Write to info@profili2.com or to st.duranti@alice.it for more info.

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