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Viewing and printing DXF files
(printing only with Professional version)

How to draw and print a DXF r12 file, using tiling

Why adding the possibility to view and print DXF files?

The previous versions of Profili could only create DXF files. Now the release 2.17 offers also viewing and printing (printing works only in the Professional version) for this standard vector file format.
You can find here why I inserted this feature in Profili:
  • After creating a DXF file may be you need to retouch it using QCad, but this application doesn't include the tiling option when printing (the splitting of a big sheet in many printing pages of little format). Now you can do it using Profili Professional.
  • May be you want to print a DXF plan (see also the archive included in this web site), but it's difficoult to find a low cost application managing a true vectorial printing with tiling options.
  • Sometime may be useful to export a wing airfoil from a DXF file to a .DAT file. Profili Professional now can do this.

Here is a list of some of the included functions :
  • Viewing (all the versions) and printing (Professional only) of DXF files
  • You can define the printing scale, scale to full page and manage the measurement unit of the DXF.
  • You can tile a big format sheet in many little printing pages, according to the format of your printer. Useful if you don't own a big plotter.
  • Fanfold continuous printing management.
  • True vectorial printing, not a simple DXF rasterizer as usually happens with low cost applications. You can have high precision printing with Profili Professional.
  • Layer selection for viewing and printing
  • Background color, lines color and thickness setting
  • You can export a wing airfoil included in a DXF file to a .DAT file.

You can find here some screeshots:

Here is a DXF file just opened in Profili.

....here after forcing the lines color to Black

... and here an example of how you can work in a little area without losing precision

Before printing you can see the tiling grid on screen, showing how the sheet will be sliptted in many printing pages according to the selected printing format.

... and here if the Print Preview!

Now I show you the way to export a wing airfoil from a DXF file to a DAT one, in 4 simple steps:

Select the airfoil area, then press 'Export .DAT'

Click the airfoil border lines to select them (RED)

Adjust the airfoil direction to the standard one, as showed in the example picture.

Insert now airfoil name and DAT file name.

You can also repanel the airfoil coordinates and select if you want normalize them.

I hope now you can understand better how DXF viewing, printing and esporting to .DAT work, and how these functions can help you.
This feature is full operative in the Professional version of Profili, the other versions can only view DXF files.


Write to info@profili2.com or to st.duranti@alice.it for more info.

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