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Molds of Wing panels (Professional version)

You can create a 3D STL file to build the negative or positive mold of a wing panel

Since version 2.25 Profili Pro offers a feature to create 3D molds of Wing panels.

The molds can be created and exported by STL file, a well known file format that can be imported by a CAM application to create the right milling paths for a 3 axis CNC milling machine.

The molds can be full or splitted in upper/lower parts, positive or negative.
You can also set:

  • Two types of dihedral, linear or elliptical
  • Four types of washout, linear, straight, quadratic or sinusoidal

To create the STL files you need a registered installation of Profili Pro, but to see the 3D Preview an unregistered installation of Profili is enough.

To create a mold of a wing panel you must select it in the Wing panel list and select the menu   Mold - Create a Mold of the panel as a STL file  

You can see here some samples of molds created by Profili Pro:







Write to info@profili2.com or to st.duranti@alice.it for more info.

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