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The Professional version of Profili

A brief list of the new features offered by the Professional version of Profili

Why a new version?
    I received a lot of requests to modify-improve Profili, for example to delete the -8 ~ +13 range limit in Alpha for polars, or to add an integration of the MDES menu functions of XFoil.
    Impossible to do without rebuilding the full database structure, optimized for working with old-slow computers too. The only one solution I found was to rewrite a new version of Profili, with a different db structure and heavier hardware requests. So you can find now two version of Profili:
    • The base version. I'll continue to develop this version and new generic use functions will be added.
    • The Professional version, including all the most advanced functions requested by 'power users'.
    The version number will be the same, and so the first Professional release will be 2.14.

What are the new features of the Professional version?

  • Deleted the -8 ~ +13 degrees range limit in Alpha.
  • A lower step for Alpha is also accepted.
  • New 'Power Factor' and Xtr top and button graphs included in polar analysis.
  • NCrit e Mach number management on polar analysis, including these parameters in the polar db.
  • Direct management for NCrit e Mach number in type 4 polar analysis.
  • Now you can redefine the default values of Re number.
  • Full management of airfoils and polars libraries. Now you can create, modify, delete, clone libraries, and copy-move airfoils and polars.
  • Now, included in the Pro package, you can find 5 libraries, all containing more then 2.300 airfoil:
    • A library without precomputed polars, the default one.
    • A library with precomputed polars with NCrit = 6.
    • A library with precomputed polars with NCrit = 9.
    • A library with precomputed polars with NCrit = 11.
    • A library with precomputed polars with NCrit = 13.
    You need about 700MB to install all the libraries, so you can select to install only some of them. Two computers worked for more then 2.000 hours to complete the computing of all these polars.
  • Full management of MDES, GDES, QDES and PPAR functions menu of XFoil.
  • Three functions to generate new airfoils:
    • Generate a mix of two airfoils using different FRONT-REAR mix values.
    • Generate a new airfoils using UPPER/LOWER parts as a MIX of different ones.
    • Generate a new airfoil using external SHAPE and CAMBER line as a MIX of different airfoils.
  • A new function to evaluate the external roughness of the airfoil, and two function to smooth it.
  • All the features included in the new 2.14 base version, like polars graph scaling etc..
  • And a great new feature in Version 2.15 Professional, Wing Panels management!!!

    Wing panels
    Click on the picture to have more info about......

    With the version 2.16 Professional, you can manage also Foam Wing Panels, see 'Foam Wing Panels'.

    .....and with the new 2.17 Professional version also DXF printing and exporting to .DAT, see 'View and Print DXF'.

    .....and with the new 2.18 Professional version also Raster file printing (.GIF, .TIF, .BMP, .JPG etc), see 'View and Print Raster files'.

Nice, but what kind of computer is requested?

    As explained above, now is requested a more performing computer.
    • To use MDES, GDES, QDES e PPAR features I suggest Windows NT4, 2000 or XP.
      You can have problems with Windows 95/98/Me, these OS offer a bad multitasking feature.
    • If you select to install all the polar libraries, you need about 800MB of free hard disk space.
    • To compute new polars I suggest a Pentium class processor, 1GHz of more. Or take a cup of coffee during polar calculation....

How can I have the Professional version?

    The dimension of the full Professional package are 4000% the old one, about 700MB now, so it will be released only on CD Rom.
    On Profili web site you will found only future updates, but not the full package.
    To have the Cd rom write me by info@profili2.com or st.duranti@alice.it

Write to info@profili2.com or to st.duranti@alice.it for more info.

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