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All rights reserved
P.IVA n.00860190255

Prices of Profili, Profili XT and Profili Pro

You can select the right license type for you and order the right license by PayPal

In this page are listed the prices for every type of license of all the versions of Profili (Profili, Profili XT e Profili Pro).
The difference among the versions of Profili is in the supplied functions and features. The available versions of Profili are (ordered from the simplest to the most featured): Profili, Profili XT e Profili Pro.
You can see the comparative table of features by version at the Features by version page.

Every version is supplied with different types of licenses, depending on the use you are going to do with the application.
So the difference among the licenses of the application is not in the available features (those depend only by the version), but in the kind of use you are permitted to do.
I introduced different licenses types to supply the application at a cheaper price for non professional users (students and modellers for example).

Here below you can find all the available licenses. If you need more info or multiple licenses plese send a message to info@profili2.com.

Type A license (click here for prices)

This license is reserved to:
- Hobbyist Aeromodellers, for personal hobbyist use. Only people just spending money in aeromodelling can be considered hobbyist, people also earning money with aeromodelling or other activities involving the use of Profili (resellers, teachers, company owners and so on) are considered professional and must purchase a type C license.
- Single Students, for personal educational use. The license will expire when the Student will terminate the school course. Student's groups must purchase a type C license, or a type A license each one.

Type B license (click here for prices)

This license is reserved to:
- Non professional users not included in the cases listed for type A license.

Type C license (click here for prices)

This license is reserved to:
- Professional users
- Companies
- Clubs
- Schools, Universities or academic institutes
- All users not included in the cases listed for type A or type B license.

Note 1: If you get a license without Usb key you must then download the application by the Download page of the web site.
Note 2: The libraries of precomputed polars of Profili Pro are huge files, and they are available only on Usb key. If you buy the license of Profili Pro alone (no Usb key) you can then download the application with the standard airfoil library, with no precomputed polars inside. In this case the polars will be computed on demand by Profili Pro.
Note 3: If you buy the application with the Usb key, you will get a movable license, see the Usb key page of the web site.
In the other case (license alone) you will get a soft key (a password) related to the single computer. If you format or change the computer you must then contact me to have a new password. This is a free service.
Note 4: All the updates are for free, you can download them by the Latest version page of the web site.
Note 5: To send money using PayPal you don't need a PayPal account, a credit card is enough. If you don't like PayPal or don't own a credit card, please write to info@profili2.com, may be we can arrange a different payment way like a bank transfer. Please don't send by email checks or money transfer from outside euro zone, they will be trashed or sent back.
Note 6: Usb key will be shipped by Priority mail (no tracking). If you need a different shipping service please ask by email to info@profili2.com.
Note 7: If the final user is different from the official buyer, this must be advised when purchasing the license. After that the official buyer cannot be changed, as the license cannot be moved to other people.
Note 8: If the user doesn't respect the rules about the license he owns, the license is void and cancelled. No refund is available.
Note 9: I reserve the right not to supply licenses to users without the right attitude to use my application,or for whatever cause, where I can see possible problems in user satisfaction.In this case they will be refunded before to activate the licenses.

Write to info@profili2.com or to st.duranti@alice.it for more info.

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